Jesus Loves You Online Bible Study

Calvary Community Church is purposed to help you know Jesus Christ deeply and to form a strong and loving relationship with Him based on grace. We Invite you to start a new beautiful and meaningful life by ONLINE BIBLE STUDY. Join us!

Bible Teacher Recruitment

Do you want to be a Bible teacher?

Carrying the Great Commission(Matthew 28:18-20), Detroit Calvary Community Church is dedicated to saving souls and setting up them as disciples of Jesus.

We offer online Bible teacher position and training for Christians who want to participate into mission as Bible Teacher, Missionary, or Pastor.

About Us

Calvary Community Church is a group of believers that wish to carry out the Great Commission in Matthew 28 with devoted love towards God.

Our dream is to proclaim gospel to all people in Michigan.

We dedicate to build a church that is:

Be Saved by Jesus

Live in Truth and Holy Spirit

Run for Kingdom of Heaven.

Hope you can join us to be blessed and used greatly by God.

Bible Study is really helpful for my faith growth. Knowing God and Christ Jesus. This is life eternal.
Reading and Studying the Bible Study I can know the truth. The truth that God is good and he is just, he is righteous, he is faithful, he is perfect in all thing including love.
God has guided me through my life and helped me become the person I am now. I am indebted to God and I am happy that He is in my life. I would not trade God away for anything because of the change he inspires in me.
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