The Faith of Bartimaeus
Mark 10:46-52
Bartimaeus was a blind man and a beggar. He was one of the most miserable people. This is a very serious problem. This is a lot of trouble. This person came to meet Jesus. He didn’t give up on his life.
Even though Bartimaeus couldn’t see, he was waiting for Christ Jesus. He was waiting for that earnestly. He was using his ears to hear the news about Jesus. If he gave up everything and became hopeless, then he couldn’t have heard the news that Jesus was passing by.
Bartimaeus shouted to Jesus, “Have mercy on me.” At this moment, the people
who were following Jesus said, “Be quiet.” Even with that, he shouted even more.
Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus said, “I want to see.” Jesus then healed him. He said, “Your faith has healed you.” After that, he followed Jesus.
This is a very good lesson for people walking this path of faith. There are many times we become hopeless because of our negative side. We tend to forget good things we have. We should be able to find the things that God gave us.
Just looking at Bartimaeus, how many better things do we have in us? However, we have this thing where we don’t thank God even with those better things. It wasn’t just ears, but He gave a lot better things to us. We should thank God more for giving us more things than this blind man.