Detroit Church Holds A Thankful Day for Growth and Prosperity

Detroit Church held a thankful day to invite church neighborhood who have helped the church repair and cleaning. Korean class students also attended the event and enjoyed it together.

The church minister gave thanks to everyone who has helped to keep the church in difficult times and to reopen the church door to the community again.

He said “your help make us gather together here today and share joy in God. Many parts of the churche have been restored, but not all have recovered yet. There are places where need for further repair in order to worship God with more people as before. Please continued to pray for the church and cooperate to build up the church.”

People who were gathered on the day, shared joy with sharing the food made in the church kitchen together.

Please pray for the church will be more glorious in God, and the church will be able to bear many people to rise leaders of the kingdom of God.