Pentecost Retreat
Service Time: 11:00 AM May 23 Onsite & Online When the day of Pentecost arrived, the disciples were all together in one place and they were
Service Time: 11:00 AM May 23 Onsite & Online When the day of Pentecost arrived, the disciples were all together in one place and they were
@April 21st, 11:00 am Detroit Calvary church celebrates the day of Resurrection of the Lord on April 21st in 2019. All church members mark the
@March 6th, 6:00 pm Detroit Calvary church marks this day to begin forty day period until Easter. Church members will go into a deep meditation
This will be a wonderful time of worship and teaching that you won’t want to miss. Services are at Detroit Calvary Community Church in Detroit
Our God is the God of love and mercy. He sent his only son Jesus christ and Jesus died on the cross for our sins,
This will be a wonderful time of worship and teaching that you won’t want to miss. Services are at Detroit Calvary Community Church in Detroit